czwartek, 5 grudnia 2013

Grammar in Songs: Modal Verbs

Modal Verbs

Most verbs we learn are names of activities. We do things and give them names. Look at this example:

Lots of activities and lots of names of them. There are also verbs that are names of feelings or emotions - love, like, hate etc. Some verbs are names of states, like: live, work, stay, etc. All of the above though are names.
There are also verbs that aren't names of anything, but we need them a lot and use every day. All they do is to modify sentences.
Let's get a sentence:

They talk a lot.

Just a simple information.
Now I will modify this sentence a bit, let's see what happens:

They should talk  a lot


etc,etc.... can you see how the meaning of your  message changes?
You use just one word and the meaning of all information is completely different. Those mighty verbs that change sentences are called modal verbs .
They aren't too many and they share some characteristic features:

1. They don't have all grammar forms (that's why some people call them "defective verbs")
2. They don't use auxiliary verbs to form questions and negations
3. We never use two modal verbs in a row!! (Forget sentences like: He will can.....)
4. A verb that comes immediately after a modal verb never takes full infinitive form (She can to swim.  say : She can swim.)

Modal verbs are:  cancouldmaymightmustought toshallshouldwillwould and need (need can be a full verb too)

Their grammar is easy and I bet you all like tests on modals^^ a good mark guaranteed.
 However, there are a few issues that may spoil your mood a bit... I mean the number of meanings modal verbs have. Here they are:

can / could

1. ability (zdolność)

    I can swim quite well.
    She can't speak French at all.
    Mona could ride a bike when she was three years old

2. possibility (możliwość)

   I think a tiger can live up to 20 years.
   A mouse can't live up to 10 years.

3. logical deduction (logiczne rozumowanie)

   This man can't be Pete's father, he is too old.

4. probability (prawdopodobieństwo)

    My absent-minded neighbour left her suitcase on the platform unattended. Someone could have stolen it!

5. permission / offer (pozwolenie/ propozycja)

    Can I use your computer?
    Can I help you?
    You can't go out right now.


1. probability (prawdopodobieństwo)

   My aunt may arrive in Poland in two weeks.

2. possibility (możliwość)

   I am worried my daughter might not like it at the kindergarten.

3. permission (pozwolenie)

   May I turn on the heating? It is rather cool in this room.


1. obligation (nakaz)

    I must do my Maths homework for tomorrow.

2. prohibition (zakaz)

   You mustn't light fires in woods.

3. deduction (logiczne rozumowanie)

   It's 10 o'clock, so my mum must be at work.
   (Uwaga: w tym znaczeniu zaprzeczeniem must jest can't, np: It's 20:00, so my mum can't be at work)


1. can be used in questions to ask for instructions and decisions

    What time shall we come and see you?
    Shall we go out for a meal?

2. can be used to make offers and suggestions

   Shall I open the window?

1. advice  (rada)

   You shouldn't argue with your boyfriend all the time.
   Should  I write a letter to her?

The above list isn't full of course. There are more shades of modal verbs. But those you will discover later, I don't want to bore you to death.